Mio Sison III
Hello World!
My name is Brandi McMichael (formerly Shigley), born Baby Girl Gonzales, abandoned at the hospital at birth, put in an orphanage, fostered, and then adopted by the amazing Shigley family!
My beginnings, seemingly a little rough, have shaped me into the woman that I am and am still becoming. I wouldn't want any of my history to be any different.
I am oh so grateful for the things that I have done in the world of business but I realize more and more that my purpose is to bring hope and light to people.
I want people to know how loved they are and that each and every one of us is created with a purpose. Whatever I can do to help people find that spark in them, that's where my heart is! I just happen to use fashion, consulting, and event production as the vehicle in which I can do this.
Thanks for dropping by!
Yours till the cows come home,